If you missed it, you can catch the hangout in all its glory below, but to get you started, here are some of the top things we learnt from the discussion

It may sound obvious, but it’s a mistake so many entrepreneurs make. It’s also important to recognise when your brand or an idea is failing.
Don’t fake it
Your potential customers will know if you’re faking it so let your personality show – make sure your brand is memorable and authentic. Laura stressed that you have to make sure your business is also selling something that people will want. Is your product something that you would want to buy?
It may sound obvious, but it’s a mistake so many entrepreneurs make. It’s also important to recognise when your brand or an idea is failing.
Leapfrog the mistakes
Find someone who has experience doing what you want to do – preferably someone who is a few steps ahead of you. Having a mentor will save you many a mishap along your business journey. They can advise, guide and steer you away from making the same mistakes they did or even help you find your way out of a sticky situation. A mentor can come in many forms, perhaps a family member, friend, or someone in the business world – just make sure they have enough relevant experience to make the relationship as useful as it can be.
Find someone who has experience doing what you want to do – preferably someone who is a few steps ahead of you. Having a mentor will save you many a mishap along your business journey. They can advise, guide and steer you away from making the same mistakes they did or even help you find your way out of a sticky situation. A mentor can come in many forms, perhaps a family member, friend, or someone in the business world – just make sure they have enough relevant experience to make the relationship as useful as it can be.
Talk, talk, talk
Social media offers up a free community of people to learn from and interact with – as well as acting as a great marketing tool. Make sure you listen to this community, and show that you care by engaging with them on a variety of platforms.
Social media offers up a free community of people to learn from and interact with – as well as acting as a great marketing tool. Make sure you listen to this community, and show that you care by engaging with them on a variety of platforms.
Social media can be a great way to find out what customers like and dislike about what you’re selling – aim to make your community your brand ambassadors, arming them with everything they need to share your business with all of their friends and family.
Don’t get lost in translation
When naming your business, it’s worth doing due diligence on how the word/phrase/name will work internationally. Does it mean or sound like anything inappropriate in another country? Has someone already created a business with the same title? Do your research to save time and potential embarrassment down the line.
When naming your business, it’s worth doing due diligence on how the word/phrase/name will work internationally. Does it mean or sound like anything inappropriate in another country? Has someone already created a business with the same title? Do your research to save time and potential embarrassment down the line.
Use your power for good
Could your brand help your customers to take action on causes that they are passionate about? A powerful way to introduce your product is to highlight how your customer is making the world a better place. Tumbling for good is a great example of how Tumblr is using brand power to look beyond the traditional business model, creating a platform solely to elevate the message of those trying to make a positive difference in society.
Could your brand help your customers to take action on causes that they are passionate about? A powerful way to introduce your product is to highlight how your customer is making the world a better place. Tumbling for good is a great example of how Tumblr is using brand power to look beyond the traditional business model, creating a platform solely to elevate the message of those trying to make a positive difference in society.
Parting thoughts
David’s golden tip is, “do everything you can do to hire people who are both more experienced and smarter than you, as they’ll help you to navigate and scale your business”, whilst Laura reassures us that “it’s all a learning process and you’re going to make some mistakes. The important thing is to keep moving”. With both successful brand experts, we think both pieces of advice are pretty stellar – which works for you?
David’s golden tip is, “do everything you can do to hire people who are both more experienced and smarter than you, as they’ll help you to navigate and scale your business”, whilst Laura reassures us that “it’s all a learning process and you’re going to make some mistakes. The important thing is to keep moving”. With both successful brand experts, we think both pieces of advice are pretty stellar – which works for you?
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